Mér var bent á ađ Smells like teen spirit útgáfan sem viđ gerđum međ Ragga vćri altöluđ úti í alheimi. Svo ég brá mér á gúggl í smástund. Ég fann endalausar umsagnir og hlekki inn á lagiđ. Mjög ánćgjulegt. Verst ađ viđ erum ekki međ neitt á ensku á nýju plötunni sem gćti fylgt ţessari velgengni eftir erlendis. Ég útsetti reyndar Army of me fyrir Ragga fyrir nokkrum árum í gríđarlega upbeat útgáfu fyrir plötu sem viđ Raggi vorum nćstum búnir ađ gera. En mađur er einhvern veginn búinn ađ spila ţessu spili út. En ţetta segja netverjar:
I can't resist the temptation to plemp a whole lot of links for my first tunesday, but can account for it because they're all "Smell Like Teen Spirit" covers. The fact that it fits nicely with the stenende Nirvana torrent a couple of posts down is mooi meegenomen. Well... without further ado: Ragnar Bjarnason is the most listenable of these.
Ragnar Bjarnason Smell like teen spirit
Je ne connais absolument rien sur Ragnar Bjarnason, et le peu que jai pu apprendre sur lui cest quil est musicien de jazz et islandais. Mais surtout il a commis quelque chose qui fera grincer des dents les fans de Nirvana sans humour. Une version latino allez, je vais dire salsa, męme si je ny connais rien- avec des cuivres comme sil en pleuvait, du marimba et des percussions . Autant dire que ce que cest aussi grunge quun single de Britney Spears. Et pourtant cest ŕ mourir de rire et la réorchestration est fantastique. Difficile de résister ŕ ce rythme dansant et ŕ la voix du chanteur. Un pur moment de rire, vraiment.
Icelandic crooner Ragnar Bjarnason did a jazzy-loungy-trippy cover of Smells Like Teen Spirit that is fantastic. There's nothing clever or ironic about it (unlike Steve&Edie and Paul Anka); he clearly loves the song, he just has his own spin to give it.
# Smells Like Teen Spirit - Ragnar Bjarnason. I'm not fooling around, this version is one of the few songs that always brings me joy, no matter what. The other? The Commodore's Brick House.
My favorites are Milton Berle's rendition of "Yellow Submarine", Dolly Parton's "Stairway to Heaven" performance and some dude named Ragnar Bjarnason's take an upbeat, callypso (?) version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit."
Ragnar Bjarnason's Smells Like Teen Spirit is indescribably wonderful.
Ragnar Bjarnason (1.6 MB) If I could only have one piece of music on a desert island, it would be this. But I would probably kill myself after two weeks
"Teen Spirit" really seems to appeal to lounge artists, probably because they think doing a grunge song makes them hip, cool, and ironic. I picked this song because I like the horn arrangement.
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Ásdís Pauls (IP-tala skráđ) 14.5.2007 kl. 14:23
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